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Niu Bowl: Great Sauces, Good Enough Ingredients.




Niu Bowl:

Ula Ula Large Bowl from @niu.bowl . First time trying this place, expected it better overall for this specific salmon bowl. Price is currently for 39 000 LL (now for 64 000 LL) with 80grams of salmon. Total score: 6/10.

Pros :

+ Good professional customer service. Very fast delivery.
+ Ripe Avocados 🥑 and fresh vegetables.
+ Tasty crab
+ Their Sauce is super tasty (it’s what gives the bowl its flavor, ordered it aside)
+ Crispy flakes aide
+ For the current price at 39 000 LL, it’s a competitive price.

Cons :

-Salmon was tasteless. I ordered the sauce aside to check salmon details. The color overall was pale and not vibrant, fish not fatty. It is imported salmon (I double checked), but this could be for many reasons like storage & freezing, fish size, salmon meat area (belly vs tail). I didn’t eat the salmon.
-The bowl ingredients are average quantity for a large bowl.


  More attention is needed to the salmon main ingredient. Expected better for the salmon bowl, but would probably try it and recommend it for shrimp and crab bowls.

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